When Greyhound Bus Had a Real Greyhound

by Joan Dillon

Lady Greyhound

Although the only greyhounds that Greyhound Lines, Inc. has today are the running Greyhounds that are painted on the sides of its buses, this was not always the case. At one time The Greyhound Corporation (as it was then known) had a living symbol — a real live greyhound — to help promote the company. Her name was Lady Greyhound and she was of racing stock. Lady Greyhound was born on January 28, 1957 in Clay Center, Kansas. Her sire was Happy Yet and her dam, a bitch by the name of Little Shamrock. She was registered with the National Coursing Association which was the original name of the NGA.

Purchased by The Greyhound Corporation from breeder Roy Lee, Lady Greyhound made her TV debut April 7, 1957. She weighed ten pounds at the time. When full grown she would weigh fifty-eight pounds and her coloring was white with a few “gold” (fawn) patches.

During her career Lady Greyhound officiated at the opening of new bus terminals by biting through a special ribbon made of dog biscuits. She traveled throughout the United States creating good public relations for The Greyhound Corporation and averaged about 25,000 miles a year. Sporting a specially made tiara, collar and coat which spelled out “Go Greyhound,” Lady Greyhound made many TV appearances and starred on the shows of Art Linkletter, Steve Allen, Jack Benny, Gary Moore and Ed Murrow; she even visited the White House. In addition to her public relations work, Lady Greyhound performed a great deal of charity work including visits to hospitals and nursing homes.

During her career, many titles and honors were bestowed upon Lady Greyhound some of which were:

Queen of National Dog Week

Queen of National Cat Week (She was made an honorary cat for the occasion.)

Queen of National Transportation Week

Bachelor of Animal Letters from Moravian College

Symbol for World Animal Day

Founder of National Be Kind to Dog Owners Week

Lady-in-Waiting to Mrs. America

Mother Dog of the Year for 1960 (Bred to another greyhound, she had 9 puppies.)

American Humane Society Award

Pet Division Director, The Easter Seal Campaign

For nine years Lady Greyhound made advertising history as a living symbol of The Greyhound Corporation. In 1966, at the age of nine, Lady Greyhound took a well-deserved retirement and lived out her days as the much-loved pet of her manager and traveling companion Lorraine D’Essen.

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